(We suggest you to look also the FAQ's page)

B.-P. Park is the first permanent scout/guide camp in Italy. It was made thanks to the efforts of many scout groups eager to dedicate it to the founder of scouting...

...Robert Baden-Powell,
 B.-P. for a friends 

B.-P. Park is...Q

…is a whole of land for scout activities. It is made of 35 hectares, with meadows and woods, located North-West of Rome and at 380 meters over the sea level. It is located on the route of migrating birds, so a lot of different species of birds can be observed. Because of the width of the forest (22 hectares of wood), the park is a natural habitat of little animals, including not dangerous small reptiles. 

The park is animated by continuous and frenetic activity of its gaily-coloured denizens singing harmoniously especially in Spring: there are also a lot of beautiful butterflies and fireflies, rare insects nowadays! The possibility of meeting the local fauna depends on the number of scouts camping at the park less scouts more animals and viceversa). B.-P. Park is for Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Cadettes, Leaders and it is open for weekends, hikes, district or region events from all over Lazio region from September to June every year, most of the scouts camping at the Park are from Lazio (about 20.000 from every association every year). Besides the following activities organized by regional AGESCI units or groups or structures take place at the camp on a regular basis: - mid November: Rover/Cadettes activity (Challenge or Disaster Management Training) - mid January: acivities for C.d.A. (Elder Cubs Council - Akela's and Arcanda's Councils) with a final hike or merit badges activities. - mid March: a 20 hour big game or merit badge activities for Patrols and Elder scouts/guides patrols - during the Holy Week: "Ora Et Labora" a camp of pray and work for Rovers and Venture Scouts Units - in July and August: summer camps for Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Rovers, Venture Scouts, Cadettes, from every part of Italy and from many European nations (B.-P. Park is part of the WTSIE - Where To Stay In Europe)



Indoor structures: Den for Cubs and Brownies: two huts (prefabricated houses), the first has 15 bunk beds, the second is divided into 3 areas: kitchen area furnished of a working table, two gas-stoves, an oven and a refrigerator; table area has four tables and benches (32/40 seats); office area is for reception, a public phone is available. 

Outdoor structures: 102 taps with drinking water, 30 toilets in six different areas (squat on toilette and regular toilets for handicapped) and cold showers, places for camping and for big events, the prayer's corner and a fitness course.

Equipment: the groups occupying the den are provided with pots, pans forks knives and spoons, salad-bowls, buckets, brooms etcetera. On request they can also be provided of working tools (shovels, picks, hammers etcetera).

Supplies: at B.-P. Park there is a little shop for basic foods; the closest village, Bassano Romano, is 6 km away. : the closest chemist's shop is in Bassano Romano, where it is also possible to find a doctor. A General Hospital is at Bracciano at about 20 km away from the Park.

Holy Mass: in July and August the Mass is celebrated at the camp for all the catholic campers. Moreover, the Benedictine Monks of S. Vincenzo Martire Monastery are available for meditations and prayers.

Lumber for constructions:  the contacts that we have usually for the lumber for constructions in the park area:


Activities at B. P. Park

B. P. Park, listed in WTSIE (Where To Stay In Europe) directory, is glad to propose all camping scout units some of the following activities, in July and August :

  • Scouting activity: Pioneering, Kitchen, Topography, Expression, Observation of stars, nature's path, etc...
  • Holy Mass for the catholic scouts every Sunday
  • Holy Father’s audience in Rome (when He is in Rome, of course), every Wednesday
  • 6 hikes in the surroundings where there are a lot of ancient Etruscan sites (Southern Etruria) and to “Parco Marturanum”., a park at Barbarano Romano (Etruscan necropolis)
  • Chances of meditations, prayers, a Spiritual day, thanks to the availability of the Benedictine Monks of S. Vincenzo Martire Monastery
  • Service at one of the Caritas “cafeterias” for poor people and the homeless in Rome (only for elder units: e.g. venture scouts and cadettes) and for elder people at Bassano Romano or in Rome.
  • Service at B.- P. Park to make and/or for the maintenance of the equipment of the camp


Fee for camping at B.-P. Park Q  

for person a day
(except kitchen)
B.-P. Park members  No B.-P. Park members
From 15 September to 15 June   From 16 June to 14 September   From 15 September to 15 June   From 16 June to 14 September  
Day visit (no-night)   gratis gratis  1,50 €     1,50 €
Overnight stay in your own tent gratis gratis 2,50 € 3,00 €
parents 1,50 € 1,50 €  1,50 € 1,50 €
Overnight stay in Den and use of the kitchen
(only Cubs and their leaders)
gratis 3,00 € 3,00 € 5,50 €
only use of the kitchen
20,00 € 20,00 € 20,00 € 20,00 €
      charge to clean the                         kitchen               =            40,00 €                =           40,00 €

Would you like to become a member?! Some groups after camping at B.-P. Park asked to become a member and their "camping fee" for the camp was considered as an advance payment of the membership fee.

Would you give us a hand? 

Do not leave rubbish in the camp; please, put it in the public garbage containers outside the camp; do not dig holes; do not cut trees nor branches. 

Buses are to be left 500 meters away; cars are not allowed to ride inside the park .

Every unit (member or not) that wants to come to B.- P. Park must inform us in advance. This is necessary also in order to have information about train timetable, to make train reservations and also for the request of the train stop in Bassano Romano (the train does not stop at Bassano station unless there is a previous request). Our addresses are in the home page. 

A leader is available at B. P. Park every weekend from Saturday 5 pm to Sunday 5 pm, for assisting the units and for assigning camping areas and also to cooperate for anything the campers might need.


B.-P. Park - Località l’Aiola - 01030 Bassano Romano -VT- Italy
(50 km North-West from Rome) –  telephone +39.333.34.11.811 
(deputy camp chief on duty at camp will answer the call)

380 meters over the sea level.

  "B.-P. Park"  Association - Via Picardi, 6 - 00197 Roma

